Publisher's Synopsis
When things don't go the way you hoped. When plans change. When someone doesn't do what they promised they would. Any of these things can trigger disappointment in children. In response, they may feel upset, despondent, or angry.
This book helps children learn how to deal with their disappointment. It explains how and why we feel disappointed, and why we think, feel and do the things we do when we're disappointed. It explains how children can move past disappointment, to gain a sense of perspective, and to think and act more positively.
Bounce Back from Disappointment understands what's going on for a disappointed child. It suggests ways in which a child can learn to manage their disappointment and get help if they need it. With this book, children can learn solutions that really work so that they feel less angry and upset, and more resilient and in control.
Each book in the 'Kids Can Cope' series is backed up with practical activities for the child to complete and discuss, consolidating and personalising learning, plus extra notes for parents or teachers.
Supports PSHE teaching in the National Curriculum, and encourages both self development and empathy for others, while fostering resilience and giving advice on how to seek help.