Road  To Damascus

Road To Damascus

Paperback (18 Oct 2009)

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Publisher's Synopsis

My description of my book is (no more than 150 words): Sequel to GOYIM GO HOME. The USN Anthropology Class visit the Wailing Wall, Dome of the Rock, Garden Tomb and attend Mass at Saint Stephen's Basilica in Old Jerusalem. The next day they tour Caesarea, Ashkelon, Gaza, Hebron and Haifa where they board a ferry to Byblos Lebanon and take the ancient road to Demascus, Syria. Their second night in Demascus, during Ramadan, fighting broke out between Shiah Hizbollah and Sunni Jihadists in the yard of the Grand Mosque. Hizbollah marched en mass and bombs exploded., grown men beat themselves bloody with chains, and women screamed and cried over the assassination of Hussain in 680 ce The USN group escaped Damascus in turmoil and drove to Aleppo.

Bob Burrell and Dr. Li Pwe, Geologists, explored the Sea of Japan for drilling prospects. and stopped off at Hiroshimo, Nagasaki, and Ulsan Korea. Flying back to Guilin on Chinese Commuters, they made over night stops at Beijing, Nanking, Wuhan, and Guangzhou(Canton).

Meanwhile, back in Houston, Dirk, Miguel and Sheila staged a major drug bust. Dirk and Neva robbed a grave looking for the missing money. Devine' and Bill Riley DA score big in Dallas and watched the Cowboys and Redskins play on Thanksgiving and drove to College Station and watched the Long Horns defeat the Aggies on Friday.

Warning: Violence, erotic sex, and profanity. Not for Dummies. GWBJ.

Book information

ISBN: 9781440184338
Publisher: Author Solutions Inc
Imprint: iUniverse
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 308
Weight: 454g
Height: 229mm
Width: 152mm
Spine width: 18mm