Publisher's Synopsis
"Love Is What Will Make an Immortal Die", follow up to "Dawn". How has the man been? How will he be? How was he ever? In "Cockroachalisms let the guru of wellness, Xavier Cockroachal Damon, lead you on the path of inner peace with lessons all must learn to not make the same mistakes. "Gus Versus the Evil Gods", offshoot of Cockroachalisms. Who is going to win? Gus, the dominant personality of an intentionally splintered mind or the 82 Evil Gods? It's so on! In "Climb from Hell" Supustrus realizes what must be done, find his wife and get them out. Will they make it? "U Is All a Bunch of A-holes" IS not fiction, It IS a discussion of the problem that is ISIS and what to do about it. "Love, an Ode to Valentine's Day," how it's a corporate money grab, also some of the history behind it. "Motel Hell". Your final resting stop. You're never getting out. "Hope". You must have hope. Without hope what else is there? In it it's possible I go off on a literary icon whose name rhymes with moose.