Null Set

Null Set A Cas Russell Novel - Cas Russell

Paperback (29 Sep 2020)

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Publisher's Synopsis

Null Set Best of Lists:
*Monthly pick from BookRiot, Kirkus Reviews, SyFy Wire, The Verge, and The Mary Sue

S. L. Huang's Null Set is the breakout sf thriller for fans of John Scalzi and Greg Rucka

Math-genius mercenary Cas Russell has decided to Fight Crime(tm). After all, with her extraordinary mathematical ability, she can neuter bombs or out-shoot an army. And the recent outbreak of violence in the world's cities is Cas's fault--she's the one who crushed the organization of telepaths keeping the world's worst offenders under control.

But Cas's own power also has a history, one she can't remember--or control. One that's creeping into her mind and fracturing her sanity...just when she's gotten herself on the hit list of every crime lord on the West Coast. And her best, only, sociopathic friend. Cas won't be able to save the world. She might not even be able to save herself.

About the Publisher

Tor Books

Tor Books is the most successful science fiction and fantasy publisher in the world. Winner of the Locus Award for best SF publisher 20 years in a row, Tor regularly puts books like Robert Jordan's Knife of Dreams and Terry Goodkind's Chainfire atop national bestseller lists. Tor's Orb imprint offers trade paperback editions of outstanding, award-winning SF and fantasy backlist titles. Additionally, the Tor Kids program includes Starscape, Tor Teen, and one of the largest classics lines in North America. The Forge imprint publishes a wide range of fiction, including a strong line of historical novels and thrillers, plus mysteries, women's fiction, and a variety of nonfiction titles. Tor/Forge has also become the leading modern publisher of American westerns.

Book information

ISBN: 9781250749901
Publisher: Tor Publishing Group
Imprint: Tor Books
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 368
Weight: 176g
Height: 105mm
Width: 172mm
Spine width: 25mm