Publisher's Synopsis
This historic book may have numerous typos and missing text. Purchasers can download a free scanned copy of the original book (without typos) from the publisher. Not indexed. Not illustrated. 1874 Excerpt: ...beneath them: Medea with strange fiery-wcrkes, hangs aboue in the Aire in the strange habite of a Coniureffe. Medea. The hidden power of Earth, Aire, Water, Fire, Shall from this place to lafons helpe conspire. Fire withstand fire, and magicke temper flame, By my strong spels the fauadge monster's tame: So, that's perform'd, now take the Vipers teeth And fow them in the furrowed field of Mars. Of which strange feed, men ready arm'd must grow To affault lafon. Already from beneath Their deadly pointed weapons gin to appeare, And now their heads, thus moulded in the earth, Streight way shall teeme; and hauing freed their fate (The stalkes by which they grow) all violently Purfue the valiant Greeke, but by my forcery I'le turne their armed points against themfelues And all thefe slaues that would on lafon fsie jhoutes. Shall wound themfelues and by fedition die. Yet thrkies the Greeke, now kill the sleeping fnake Which I haue charm'd, and thence the Trophy take, Thefe shouts witnefle his conquest, He difcend, Heare lafons feares and all my charmes take end. Hercules. Oetes, now is this rich and pretious Fleece, By lafons fword repurchast, and must turne Vnto the place whence Phrixus brought his Ramme. Oetes. That practife by your rnines He preuent, And fooner then with that returne to Greece, Your slaughtered bodies leaue with this rich fleece. lafon. Since our aduenture is atchieu'd and done, The prize is ours, we ceize what we haue wone. Oetes. Enioy it Fafon, I admire thy worth, Which as it hath exceeded admiration, So must we needs applaud it. Noble gentlemen, Depart not Colchos, ere you worths and valour We with fome rich and worthy gifts prefent. The conquest of our Buls, and Dragons death, (Though we esteem'd them) yet they fad vs not, Since we behold t...