Publisher's Synopsis
Just as in 1776, todays Americans are overtaxed and lacking genuine representation. Brian Kelly wrote this book because our representatives, both nationally and locally, have abandoned their duties as agents of the people and forgotten our role as fundamental voices in a constitutional democracy. Twenty consecutive years of non-responsive Presidencies, unprotected borders, and a Congress with more blame to go around than accomplishments yields a catastrophic failure of a report card. Kelly illustrates how public servants are so overwhelmed with self interests, special interests, the interests of corporations and the interests of other countries that they have no time to work for the people. He eviscerates, with cogence and gusto, the veneer of honor cloaking some of our nation's most dishonorable public servants. Something went critically awry between 1776 and now. After depicting the problem, your author unearths a cornucopia of political trickeries aimed at taking our money, including a litany of creative taxes imposed against U.S. citizens. He then embarks on a no-holds-barred safari through some of America's most crippling domestic problems, fueled by representative negligence, corporate power, and greed. He questions the modern role of Unions. From there, your author explains the nations emergent problems of visa abuse, the selling out of American jobs, and the unhealthy impact of illegal foreign nationals on the lives of American citizens. He explores the lack of free and honest elections, recounting recent judicial decisions and the push for fraud-prone voting machines. Despite its grave insights, the book animates at all times a spirit of hope and impetus for change which can help direct all efforts to avoid another Boston Tea Party. I hope you enjoy reading this book and that you will remain vigilant and take the actions necessary to ensure that this experiment in democracy, the United States of America, can continue persevering for centuries upon centuries. I wish you the best! -Brian P. Kelly, Publisher