Publisher's Synopsis
StarShow Publications has announced the release of A Cauldron of Spirits, a collection of short stories written by International Author Charles W. Massie. These stories have been written over the last three decades, and have been updated to make them more contemporary.The publication should be a welcome addition for any reader. The topics include a bit of science fiction, a bit of fantasy, a bit or horror and even a bit of spirituality. There are 10 tales of varying lengths, which makes the book ideal for those readers who want a quick infusion of fiction; as opposed to opening up a full-length novel.The book is being made available in Hardcover, Paperback and Ebook formats. Availability channels include, Barnes and, as well as many other retailers. If your store doesnt carry it in stock, they can easily order it from Ingram or Baker and Taylor distributors.Depending on the format, the page count runs between 128 and 255 pages. It has been typeset in easy-to-read Bookman Old Style font. This collection is the perfect book to take with you when you are waiting for your car to be repaired or sitting in a doctors office. Additional information, including other books in our catalog, can be found at the website: