Publisher's Synopsis
Simple Ideas to Overcome Depression I've noticed something else in my travels. At times, the recollection of what happened to us to cause our depression can be skewed. It can build up in our minds as being much worse than what really occurred. It is only human to want to "pay back" others for what we think they did and for the grief that they caused. If someone was really mean spirited toward you and caused you nothing but grief, I repeat, the best way to "get even" is to "get better". Remove your invisible "kick me" sign and don't allow anyone to get the better of you. Stop... and I do mean stop allowing people to put you down. It seems to be a human flaw that if someone feels lousy, someone else will capitalize on it. I hope that you read me loud and clear on this matter because I can't stress it enough. Work everyday at building up your self-esteem and your self-confidence. Make this the basis of your "new you" structure.