A Mixed Bag

A Mixed Bag Jokes, Riddles, Puzzles and Memorabilia

Paperback (01 May 2016)

  • $22.41
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Publisher's Synopsis

Of all of Raymond Smullyan's many books, this perhaps best captures the timeless delight of the casual conversation of this American polymath. A seamless continuum of jokes, stories, puzzles, and reflections, caught in an deliciously unpremeditated arc that nonetheless is remarkably cohesive, it is sparkling and charming proof that cheerfulness need not be incompatible with intelligence, nor pleasure with wisdom.

Book information

ISBN: 9780986144578
Publisher: Sagging Meniscus Press
Imprint: Sagging Shorts
Pub date:
DEWEY: 510.92
DEWEY edition: 23
Language: English
Number of pages: 164
Weight: 226g
Height: 139mm
Width: 215mm
Spine width: 26mm