Careers in Focus. Library & Information Science

Careers in Focus. Library & Information Science

Second edition

Hardback (04 Dec 2024)

  • $45.07
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Publisher's Synopsis

The growth of technology constantly creates new ways for information to be preserved and new avenues for people to access information. Trained information professionals help organize and store the information in the first place, and then provide guidance when it must be retrieved and synthesized. These professionals work in a range of settings, including academic, corporate, medical, law, music, public, and other types of libraries; archives; colleges and universities; home offices; business offices; and more.

Book information

ISBN: 9780816080328
Publisher: Facts On File
Imprint: Facts On File
Pub date:
Edition: Second edition
DEWEY: 020.23
DEWEY edition: 22
Language: English
Number of pages: 208
Weight: 442g
Height: 239mm
Width: 159mm
Spine width: 20mm