Nations and Nationalism

Nations and Nationalism - New Perspectives on the Past

2nd Edition

eBook (09 Jun 2008)

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Publisher's Synopsis

This updated edition of Ernest Gellner's classic exploration of the roots of nationalism includes an extended introduction from John Breuilly, tracing the way the field has changed over the past two decades.

  • As pertinent today as it was when it was first published in 1983.
  • Argues that nationalism is a product of industrialization.
  • The new edition includes references to important work on nationalism published since 1983.

Second Edition not available in the USA.

Book information

ISBN: 9780470763346
Publisher: Wiley
Imprint: Wiley Blackwell
Pub date:
Edition: 2nd Edition
DEWEY: 320.54
DEWEY edition: 23
Language: English
Number of pages: 152
Weight: -1g
Height: 230mm
Width: 155mm
Spine width: 16mm