One for Sorrow

One for Sorrow A Memoir of Death and Life

New edition 1

Paperback (20 Jul 2017)

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Publisher's Synopsis

One for Sorrow relates the story of the loss of 21-year-old Tom to cancer, and how his family lived through the aftermath. When Alan began writing the memoir, he believed it would be about his son's illness and death. He soon realized, however, that he was recording his own painful journey through the 'valley of the shadow', as a father and as someone responsible for ministering to others in similar situations. His core beliefs were challenged and his perspective on life changed. Now retired, Alan is passionate about the capacity we all have to grow through adversity and, like our crucified God, rise up from pain and death to live and love and laugh again. Praise for the author's Living Well: 'Quick! Go out and buy this book! If you are a vicar, buy a dozen, and give them away. If the Church were served by more books like this, we would all be the better.' Church Times and An Almighty Passion: 'With strong echoes of the BBC2 series Rev, this work too demonstrates in equal measure the struggles and rewards of faith . . . incredibly moving and authentic.' Life + Work

Book information

ISBN: 9780281078196
Publisher: SPCK
Imprint: SPCK Publishing
Pub date:
Edition: New edition 1
DEWEY: 248.86092
DEWEY edition: 23
Language: English
Number of pages: 128
Weight: 156g
Height: 140mm
Width: 216mm
Spine width: 10mm