Meta-Programming in Logic Programming

Meta-Programming in Logic Programming - Logic Programming

Paperback (14 Feb 1990)

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Publisher's Synopsis

A comprehensive survey of the theory and applications of meta-programming, covering problems of representation and of soundness and correctness of interpreters, analysis and evaluation of meta-logic programs, and applications to sophisticated knowledge-based systems.

Meta-programs, which treat other computer programs as data, include compilers, editors, simulators, debuggers, and program transformers. Because of the wide ranging applications, meta-programming has become a subject of considerable practical and theoretical interest. This book provides the first comprehensive view of topics in the theory and application of meta-programming, covering problems of representation and of soundness and correctness of interpreters, analysis and evaluation of meta-logic programs, and applications to sophisticated knowledge-based systems.

Meta-Programming in Logic Programming is in the series Logic Programming Research Reports and Notes, edited by Ehud Shapiro.

Book information

ISBN: 9780262510479
Publisher: The MIT Press
Imprint: The MIT Press
Pub date:
DEWEY: 006.3
DEWEY edition: 20
Language: English
Number of pages: 544
Weight: 1102g
Height: 254mm
Width: 178mm
Spine width: 25mm