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Game Plan: Building Elite Level Goaltenders Workbook

Game Plan: Building Elite Level Goaltenders Workbook

Paperback (28 May 2018)

  • $31.79
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Publisher's Synopsis

The Elite Goalies Game Plan is a Blue Print for building highly successful goaltenders from minor hockey to the National Hockey League. This workbook is designed for a goaltender or goaltending coach to guide the developmental process through a progressive algorithm. There are no short cut to success but there is a map that you will find within these pages. This self guided masterplan is best supported with detailed book by Pasco Valana called Building Elite Level Goaltenders.

Book information

ISBN: 9780228800521
Publisher: Tellwell Talent
Imprint: Tellwell Talent
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 112
Weight: 320g
Height: 216mm
Width: 279mm
Spine width: 12mm