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Case Studies in Child and Adolescent Counseling

Case Studies in Child and Adolescent Counseling

3rd Edition

Paperback (20 May 2002)

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Publisher's Synopsis

For graduate courses in Child & Adolescent Counseling.

This award-winning supplement presents a realistic picture of therapy's rewards and challenges through 16 actual cases involving children and adolescents. Readers are exposed to a variety of counseling theories and the real, live counselors who use them. Since the cases deal with major problem areas such as sexual abuse, dual diagnoses, seriously dysfunctional families, and addictions, students will not only find this text useful in coursework, but they will also reference it again and again as they begin their journey as therapists.

Book information

ISBN: 9780130868183
Publisher: Pearson Education
Imprint: Pearson
Pub date:
Edition: 3rd Edition
DEWEY: 618.928914
DEWEY edition: 21
Language: English
Number of pages: 156
Weight: 295g
Height: 235mm
Width: 191mm
Spine width: 6mm