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An Appraisal of UK Energy Research and Development

An Appraisal of UK Energy Research and Development

Paperback (30 Oct 1994)

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Publisher's Synopsis

Recent changes in the energy sector include privatization of the gas and electricity industries, the rise in importance of environmental issues, and the fact that world energy prices have remained much more stable than was expected. In this greatly changed context this appraisal sets out to provide: a discussion of the range of energy technologies relevant to the UK; a comprehensive assessment of their future prospects of deployment, up to 2025, under a wide variety of possible circumstances; an indication of the emissions to the environment associated with their deployment; a review of UK and overseas RDD&D programmes in support of each technology; and an indication of the value and technical content of Department of Trade and Industry funded energy RDD&D programmes.

Book information

ISBN: 9780115153495
Publisher: The Stationery Office Books
Imprint: The Stationery Office Books
Pub date:
DEWEY: 333.79072041
Language: English
Number of pages: 1500
Weight: -1g
Height: 297mm
Width: 210mm