The Rape of the Lock An Heroi-Comical Poem in Five Cantos - Vintage Classics

New Edition

Paperback (02 Aug 2007)

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Publisher's Synopsis


A hideous crime is committed at a fashionable London society gathering. The victim is the beautiful, innocent Belinda, her attacker is the dastardly Baron, and his weapon of choice is a pair of scissors...

Pope's mock-epic is the sharp and witty tale of the most famous bad hair day in the history of literature.

About the Publisher

Vintage Classics

Vintage Classics has existed since the inception of Vintage and is widely seen as the top twentieth-century classics list in the UK, publishing Graham Greene, Harper Lee, Ernest Hemingway and Virginia Woolf, among others. August 2007 saw the relaunch of the list and Vintage Classics now also publishes the greatest writers from previous centuries, such as Jane Austen, Charles Dickens, Lewis Carroll and Henry James.

Book information

ISBN: 9780099511526
Publisher: Random House
Imprint: Vintage Classics
Pub date:
Edition: New Edition
DEWEY: 821.5
DEWEY edition: 22
Language: English
Number of pages: 38
Weight: 94g
Height: 194mm
Width: 123mm
Spine width: 8mm